ACCᾹD Corportion is deeply rooted in tradition and a family history in West Virginia highway construction. Carrie Dunmire takes pride in being the third generation of the Haynes Family to own and operate a highway construction business. Her family's humble beginnings in the industry start with her Grandfather, Denver Haynes, working as a laborer on the bridges built for the West Virginia Turnpke in the 1950s.
Denver's son, Ronald Haynes, graduated from High School at the young age of 16, enlisted with the United States Army Reserves, and would later continue in his father's footsteps into highway construction. In 1972, Ronald and Denver incorporated Haynes Concrete Construction Co., Inc., to perform concrete work on the construction of the interstates. In 1973, Ronald incorporated M&H Concrete Structures, Inc., as a bridge construction company, and Denver owned 1/3 of the stock shares. Haynes Concrete and M&H Concrete would merge in 1982. M&H Concrete Structures would continue building bridges across WV until 1999. When Denver passed in 1991, Ronald's passion for construction began to dwindle, finally leading to his retirement in 1999, allowing him more time to pursue his passion for cattle farming and peaceful living, until his passing April 29, 2015.
In 1996, Ronald and Marie's daughter, Carrie, purchased a company which would later be renamed ACCᾹD Corporation in April 2011 in honor of the children......hopefully the fourth generation of the family to carry on the legacy in highway construction.